Between 12th April to 12th July 2021, we ran our UK Aid Match Future Forest appeal, asking for your help to support communities in Ethiopia with the tools and training they need to sustainably use frankincense trees and protect them for the future. And we were blown away by your response!
Thanks to generous supporters like you, the campaign raised significantly more for the project than we had even thought possible. In just three months, you helped us to raise an incredible grand total of £1,183,066, including £530,756 of match funding from the UK government.
That's much more than we'd thought was even possible, so thank you to all of you who donated and have helped to make the project a reality. And, because you helped us to smash our target, that means that we can scale up the project to reach even more people.
This is such a vital project for communities in the Metema region of Ethiopia. It will help them to protect their forest and bring it back from the brink of extinction while earning an income from frankincense. Solomon told us what impact he thought the project would have for him and his family, "I believe that I have a bright future, my livelihood will improve and I will lead my life in a better way."
Match funding from the UK government will be used to work with communities in Ethiopia to protect the Metema forest, tackle the climate crisis and contribute to the Great Green Wall movement across Africa. Your donation will fund similar work helping communities across the drylands of Africa to grow their way out of poverty.
From all of us at Tree Aid, thank you so much. Without you, the Future Forest project would not be happening.