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Update magazine May 2019

Read about our work in Mali and how we are contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals.

In this issue...

  • Spotlight on Mali
  • How we're working towards the sustainable development goals.

The She Grows project

The 3-year She Grows project will improve the economic and social status of 1,000 rural women in the Koulikoro region, one of the world’s poorest places.

Women will be supported to plant and protect trees and receive equipment and training to earn an income from shea.

A diagram showing the 5 Sustainable Development Goals that Tree Aid is working towards, alongside the Tree Aid logo and SDGs logo

The Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to provide a framework for a better and more sustainable future for all. The Agenda, centred around 17 Sustainable Development Goals is an urgent call to action for all countries to work in a partnership to transform our world through social progress, economic growth and environmental protection over the next 15 years.