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Help us to grow trees and support communities in the drylands of Africa.

Choose how you would like to give

£5 a month for a year could provide essential training to communities to protect their forests.
£10 a month for a year could provide business skills training to maximise people's income from trees.
£12 a month for a year could buy a family everything they need to start a beekeeping business.
£15 a quarter over the course of a year could provide a community with six life-changing trees that can give a family nutritious food and produce to sell all year round.
£24 a quarter over one year could provide a family with the tools they need to look after their trees, including watering cans, pruning tools, buckets and wheelbarrows.
£42 a quarter for a year could provide ‘grafting’ training for nine people. This technique enables trees to reach maturity sooner and give more fruit to eat.
£60 a year could provide a community with six life-changing trees that can give a family nutritious food and produce to sell all year round.
£96 a year could provide a family with the tools they need in order to look after their trees, including watering cans, pruning tools, buckets and wheelbarrows.
£170 a year could provide ‘grafting’ training for nine people. This technique enables trees to reach maturity sooner and give more fruit to eat.
£35 could provide a community with training and skills to look after their trees and produce more crops to eat and sell.
£50 could provide five life-changing trees that give a family nutritious food to eat and sell.
£100 could provide a family with the tools they need in order to look after their trees.

How can you help?

What you are about to do will help a family transform their life. Your support today will mean together we can help more people grow nutritious food, support themselves by selling tree produce and protect the environment for future generations. Thank you so much.

Where your donation goes

Whether you choose to give a one-off donation or a regular gift, you can be sure that your gift will be put to good use right away, providing support to communities across Africa’s drylands to protect their environment and grow a better future. During 2023/24, for every £1 raised, we spent 90p on charitable activities, 9p on raising the next pound, and 1p on advocacy and awareness.

What We're Up Against

We work where trees are needed most. In Africa, temperatures are rising at 1.5x the global average, and trees are disappearing from landscapes where they once thrived. People are struggling to grow enough food to eat because land is losing its fertility.


We believe that trees mean life. Without them, our world couldn’t survive.

Kubaje, a women that Tree Aid is working with in Ghana, smiling and holding a bowl of shea nuts that she collected.

“We have benefited from a lot of training under this project. Out of the money that comes, we are able to buy enough food to feed our family. It is earning us a lot of respect in our society.” Kubaje, Nakolo village, Ghana

Our supporter promise

Our work is only possible because of you — our supporters. Without your loyal support, we would not be able to support thousands of people in the drylands of Africa to grow trees, food, and incomes.

Tree Aid is committed to fundraising and communicating with you in an honest and ethical way, consistent with our values.