In Burkina Faso, poverty and hunger are widespread issues. During the long dry months, when people struggle to grow enough food, many can only eat once a day. Children often suffer the effects the most, with mothers being forced to rely on non-nutritious foods like maize to feed them.
One-third of the country’s farmland is already degraded due to the effects of the climate crisis, and deforestation caused by large-scale commercial agriculture, logging, and infrastructure development, where vast areas of land are cleared for monoculture crops or livestock grazing. These practices can degrade the soil, making it less productive over time. This is making it even harder for people to grow enough crops to eat and sell to earn an income.
This project aims to improve food security and income of 210,000 smallholder farmers in the Hauts-Bassins, Cascade, Boucle du Mouhoun and Centre-Ouest regions as well as strengthen the resilience to climate change in these region.
The approach is sustainable intensification; using innovations such as agroforestry and composting, to increase productivity on existing agricultural land with both positive environmental and social impacts.
Overall, the project will contribute to strengthen the development of maize, rice, sorghum and cowpeas value chains, while also improving living conditions of smallholder farmers.
Since the project began in 2021, we have been making agreements and building connections between with key project partners (i.e. NAFASO, INERA and CEAS).
Image: Production of liquid fertiliser in Pela, in Burkina Faso's Centre-Ouest region
This project has been made possible with funding from AGRA - Alliance for a Green Revolution In Africa.
We are also working with the following local partners to implement this project:
Centre Ecologique Albert Scweitzer (CEAS)
Burkina Faso Ministry of Agriculture Crop Production Department and Regional Directorates (DGPV)
Participating seed companies (NAFASO, FAGRI, AGRIPROMO, KAWORO)