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Virtual Forest

Explore Tree Aid's virtual forest and join our community of supporters.

Discover our virtual forest community. Together, we are supporting people in the drylands of Africa to grow the Great Green Wall – an ambitious movement aiming to re-green and transform lives across Africa.

Want to join?

Donate to add your own personalised tree to our virtual forest. Use your own name or dedicate your tree to a loved one, then watch it grow! Share your personalised virtual forest page with friends to spread the word about your contribution to our vital work.

Together, we can grow the Great Green Wall across Africa, transforming the lives of millions of people in its path.

Your donation could help us...

  • Grow trees

  • Restore land

  • Tackle poverty

Cashew farmer in West Gonja, Ghana

Thank you, Tree Aid for these amazing three years. Now, I’ve got all this knowledge and training to take care of my children from cashew.